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Ruckus Unleashed External Captive Portal setup

Ruckus Unleashed is designed for smaller deployments and is known for its simplicity. It’s easier to set up and manage compared to larger-scale solutions like SmartZone. In this article we will set up an external captive portal on an existing Fydelia Guest WLAN: Splash page portal settings Choose Hotspot services Fill in the details as follows: In the AUTHENTICATION tab make sure Local Database is chosen: In the WALLED GARDEN tab add the splash page […]

Walled Garden and Firewall IP settings

In some cases you may need to update your walled garden and firewall settings. Here’s what you need to know… Walled Garden In order to allow some systems, such as Cisco Meraki, to be able to redirect the guest out to the Fydelia splash page, you will need to add walled garden settings. NOTE: If you use domain-based walled gardens, you don’t need the IP addresses. You will just need to ensure you add: […]

Cambium – Setup guide

How to configure your splash page to authenticate guests onto your Cambium cnMaestro With Cambium, guests are sent to the Fydelia server and the redirect includes all Cambium parameters required by Fydelia.  In fact, for this reason, there is no configuration required at all on the Fydelia splash page side.   Preparation You will need: Setup 1. Under WLAN settings, Enable Guest access, set the policy to Clickthrough and AP Server Protocol to HTTPS 2. Set […]

UniFi Hotspot Manager

If you are running version 7.4 or above of the UniFi Network Controller that uses the hotspot manager, the Guest control option is no longer available. Instead, follow these steps to set up guest control: Click the Hotspot Manager icon: Choose “Landing Page”: Under Authentication choose External Portal Server click “Edit” and change the IP address to Under “Settings” Ensure you have the following: Your settings will have saved automatically.

Configuring your UniFi Splash page

How to configure your splash page to authenticate guests onto your UniFi Controller With UniFI, guests are sent to the Fydelia server and the redirect includes the UniFi site ID.  This ID is used by Fydelia to determine which splash page to show (since UniFi does not allow full URL redirects).  Follow these steps to configure your splash page to receive guest redirects from your controller. Preparation You will need: Setup 1. In your Fydelia […]

UniFiOS captive portal splash page setup

Create a guest profile In Profiles, set the following: Enable the Guest Landing Page Below, make sure the settings are as follows: NOTE: Do not enable “Encrypted redirect URL” since this will prevent Fydelia from being able to log on a specific device. This completes the UniFi settings.  Now you need to set a few configuration options in your Fydelia splash page CLICK HERE TO CONFIGURE YOUR SPLASH PAGE