Getting Fydelia connected to your network

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Getting Fydelia connected to your network


Getting Fydelia connected to your network

When a guest connects to a free WiFi network they are redirected to a WiFi login page such as the one shown here on the right. This is known as a “Captive Portal” or “Splash” page. The network will not let customers through to the internet until they have completed this login form, including acceptance of your basic terms and conditions.

In order for this to happen, standard internet routers often do not have this capability, and additional hardware is needed to force the guest over to a splash page. It is very likely you already have the additional hardware needed in the form of Wireless Access Points in and around your venue

If you do not have suitable hardware, contact us at and we can put you in touch with a nearby IT Services company or even post out a ready-to-go Starter Kit which can be connected like this

We support a growing list of hardware providers including the few that are shown on the left.

These systems can connect into your existing internet connection and perform the necessary guest redirection to your login splash page, as described above.

We have knowledge base articles available for all major platforms in this support hub, including the following. Click to open the corresponding help guide:

Setup is typically very quick. If you feel you need some assistance, contact us at

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